Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another bump in the road...

So I received an email yesterday from my RE's office letting me know, my RE, that I love so much, is gone form the practice. WHAT! What do you mean gone? Where did he go? and Why is he leaving? Great, I was suppose to start BCP on Day 3 and I'm on Day 1 and now I have no idea what I'm going to do! My current RE is in Trumbull, CT. That is about a 45 minute drive every time I go. This may be what pushes me to a closer RE. I have RE's that are 5 minutes away. The lesser drive may help my stress level go down but am I making the right decision by switching. Ugh.. IF is never easy... I will let you know what I choose soon. As of right now we are making an appointment with a new, closer, doctor. Just to see our options. I do not want to wait another 3 months to start the IVF process, I am ready now.

Oh and by the way, its my 29th Birthday, my husband, Joeys too!

Enjoy the day!

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