Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So this is what it feels like....

To get a Positive Pregnancy Test! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So last night, my husband was so upset from me basically telling him IVF #! failed. As you know I had horrible cramps the last two days. I felt like any minute Aunt Flo was going to come but she never showed.  So as we were cooking dinner my husband leaves. Yes, just leaves the house. He was running to the closest Walmart to get a Pregnancy Test. He came home after his home made stew was now cold and was like "Pee on this." I replied, "Honey, you have to wait till morning." He didn't care, he kept on hounding me and hounding me until finally i caved and tested. I peed in a cup and he took it in the other room. I knew it was going to be negative but I heard this weird sound come from the bedroom. It was the mixture of a sigh, laugh and cry all at once. I asked him, "What... What does it say?" and he started crying and said it worked. You are pregnant. I was in shock that a pee stick with my pee on it could be positive. I have prolly seen a million pee sticks with negative results this was new to me. I didn't really know how to take it. Plus its early. But I did another one this morning and it still reads the word... "Pregnant"..Wow so this is what it feels like........ I will confirm my positive test with my beta results tomorrow. Trying not to get to excited........but I am a little:)


  1. Congratulations!! I wanted to let you know that I followed your story since I found out my friend is struggling with IF. I've been on the Bump since my pregnancy and looked into the IF boards to try and get a better understanding of what she is going through. I saw one of your posts that led me to your blog.

    I understand how tough it is, and want to thank you for sharing your experience.

    I wish you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!

  2. Thank you so much! Hopefully my bloodwork today will come back perfect. Thank you for following me and tell your friend not to give up. I hope my blog helps girls go through this crazy time.
