Thursday, August 16, 2012

Egg Rrtrieval Done!

Ok, what a whirl wind the last couple days were. Yesterday was egg retrieval and they got 11 eggs. I was kinda bummed, i thought i had around 20. They got 11 and fertilized them all with ICSI. I guess by the look of DH's sperm motility and the lack of eggs he did not want to take any chances and used ICSI on all of them. Out off 11 eggs. 10 were mature and 6 were fertilized. One was fertilized abnormally so they have 5 embryos they are culturing for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I would be lying if i said I wasn't nervous. It scared me that we only have 5 to work with.

The Egg Retrieval Experience was great. we got there an hour before. i changed into my gown, hair-net, and booties. They put my IV in it didn’t hurt at all. they did it my arm not my hand thank god. They even came in and gave me something for my nerves. At that point i felt wonderful. I has things stuck all over me, and IV in and was brought to a room where they do the procedure. I saw these huge black stirrup things. My legs were way up in the air but it was quick as soon as i put my legs up my doctor told me to think of a beautiful beach somewhere and that’s all I remember.

I remember waking up listening to the nurse tell my husband about all the meds i will be taking form this point on. Thank goodness no more needles! Apparently the doctor came in and explained to me we got 11 eggs and he was going to use ICSI and I guess I was asking a bunch of questions i already knew the answers too and i have no recollection of that at all. Whatever meds they gave me worked great :)

DH was perfect. He was by my side the entire time. He was so worried about me. I hate when hes worried about me when he has to perform...u know. We need his sample to be good. Don’t worry about me just put me out of your head and do what you need to do.

My mother in law came over after to help, she folded clothes and made me some soup. I was able to rest all day it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I feel a little campy and a little bloated but not bad. I had barley any spotting or bleeding. No pain really at all. A little uncomfortable but i am back to work today and I feel pretty good.

I have to say my experience with IVF up to this point has been ok. I am very tired. There are so many doctors appointments, blood work appointments, ultrasounds, its exhausting. But now the mental and emotional part is coming in. I am asking myself so many what ifs and im sure it will be like that for the entire 2 week wait.

But if you are thinking you aren’t strong enough to this... trust me, you are. My DH reminds me everyday how strong I am and how good I am doing.

you get do it bloggies;) you def can:)

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